Mothers day started out with a bang. Riley woke us up at 5:00am with a nice blow out ( and not a wheel on his bassinnet). He was not a happy camper, and woke Morgan up. Morgan was cute she climbed out of bed with this determined look on her face ran to her daddy and said " Can I help, where are the baby wipes". Well of course Morgan was up after that, there was no getting her back to bed. So I decided to stay up with her and watch a movie while I made bread. Well I ran up stairs to check on something and she played with my bread, so it didn't raise. Later in the morning I got Morgan ready for church. I put curlers in her hair the night before so we wouldn't have to do it. Now I have to remind you that I worked really hard the night before getting everything ready so we could be on time to church. I was also trying really hard to keep Morgan new white shirt clean. I thought I had conquered my mission when I heard Jeremiah say "oh no". I ran downstairs and found Morgan covered with pretty lipstick all over her face and her shirt, and my poor favorite lipstick ruined. Well being up so early my nerves where shot that and I got upset with Morgan. Well of course I felt horrible because it wasn't morgan fault, she sees me put lipstick on every day and just wanted to be like her mom. Well I started crying because I felt like the worse mom and ran up stairs. I was really tired, and when I am tired I am really sensitive. Well Morgan taught me a valuable lesson. She looked at me and said" its okay mommy, its fine, Daddy fixed it, we can buy more". She reminded me that things happen, and to live in the momment. Well to make things short, Morgan was a little out of control being so tired. Mommy was crying all through church because she was so tired and sensitive. Jeremiah was going crazy with a sensitive wife and a moody daughter and told me later on that he did not want to relive this day.
All in all I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for the lessons Morgan teaches me an a regular basis. I am grateful for Jeremiah and the patience and love he has even on bad days. We were still late for church, but I am just grateful to have my family with me in church. My two year old will grow up and I will remember the wonderful adventures that we went through. I will also remember not to put her in white on a special occasion.
I am grateful for all the mothers in my life. My mom who worked hard to raise me. My mother-law who raise my wonderful husband. My Aunt Cheryl who has influenced me for good. My wonderful sister who works so hard as a single mother. I love all the mothers in my ward that encourage me and strengthen me as a mother. Just as side note the second part of the day went a lot better.

I love being a mother and wouldn't trade anything about my life.