Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween fun

A night through the pumkin walk.

Morgan carving "Scary Pumkins"

Radom fall pictures

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Anniversary "part 2"

Part 2 of our anniversary. I know that I am a week behind, but it took me that long to take everything in. Well it was an amazing anniversary thanks to my wonderful husband. I am so spoiled and love it. I have to pinch myself to realize what an amazing guy that I married. The day couldn't have started of any better with breakfast in bed. Granted I had to run back to bed. Having two kids you don't have the pleasure of sleeping in. There are diapers to change, children to feed and a wife that had to finish up the last of her anniversary gift to her husband. It was a good thing I woke up early. Jeremiah had the day planned minute by minute. Well after running back up to bed he brought me up a wonderful breakfast in bed. Can I just say yummy, gourmet pancakes with the works and two beautiful children in bed with me.

After breakfast he informed me that I had an appointment at 10:00, and that I better shave my legs. My first thought was a massage, but he said he was dropping me off at 10:00 and would pick me up at 1:00. Well that made it a little difficult trying to get my pig balloons to the market where he worked at. He dropped me off and said to go down the hall and take a left and said that he had already arranged everything. He had arranged for me to have a facial, pedicure and a manicure. It was sooooo much fun and much needed relaxation. He took the day of so he could watch the kids and plan an amazing day. He was going to bring me flowers while I was at the spa but things came up. It was a nice thought.

My toes have never looked so pretty. I was embarrassed by the state of my previous toe nails, and my finger nails. When I got there I only had one hand painted. When I was painting my fingernails Morgan came up to me an wanted hers painted. Of course I gave in and never got around to the other hand. After the spa treatments, Jeremiah picked me up and informed me that we where off to SLC, where he had arranged for our children to stay at my moms.
He then took me to a cute italian restaurant.

I know what your thinking it can't get any better, your wrong it gets better. After dinner he handed me an envelope. Within the envelope there where 5 different pictures.

Well I was totally blown away. He has arranged for his parents to watch the kids. Wow, can I just say wow. I started to cry, and Jeremiah was happy about my reaction. He said that he finally got a reaction. When he proposed to me he didn't quite get the reaction he wanted, so 5 years later he finally got the right reaction. Well it is not quite over for a final surprise he took me the the Hale Center Theater and we watched Into the Woods, and finished the night with ice cream. Now you know why it took me a week to get over the amazement. For those that are wondering I chose the Oregon Coast. I figure we will go on a cruise when we have more time and Jeremiah graduates. But for now I have the Oregon coast adventure to look forward to. It was a wonderful 5th anniversary. It was more than I could ask for. I am very lucky to have a great husband and two beautiful children in my life.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Part Oneof our 5 year anniversary "5 little Piggies"

October 17 was our 5th year anniversary, I couldn't have had a better day. I have been so blessed to have found Jeremiah. He is truly amazing. He truly completes me and sweeps me off my feet daily. He treats me like a princess everyday. I don't know how he does it but he does.I wanted to do something fun and different for Jeremiah that would represent the last 5 years together. This is the story of the 5 little pigs. I sent Jeremiah on a little scanvanger hunt. The first clue was "This little piggy went to market" I sent Jeremiah to Macy's Grocery Store where he found 5 pig balloons and the next clue. I will post the balloon picture later. During the last 5 years he has been the grocery shopper. I try but I come home and Jeremiah always ask me where the food is. I have a hard time spending money on food.

The next clue was "This little piggy stayed home. This pig represented the hard work Jeremiah puts in to allow me to stay home. Jeremiah found the next clue at home with a bottle of sparkling cider and invite for a cozy night at home.

The next clue lead him to the refrigerator where he found roast beef dinner "This little piggy had roast beef". I try to cook, but my cooking doesn't even compare to the gourmet cooking that Jeremiah does. But I wanted to make up for it some way, or at least provide the fixings of a roast beef sandwich.

"This little piggy had none." So I know what everyone is thinking I am spoiled but just you wait. Jeremiah has given me soooooooo many massages, probably 3-4 or more a week. I always tell him that I owe him but I never get around to it. So poor Jeremiah had none, so I made up for it some how by providing him a full hour massage.

and last but not least is the last piggy. This little piggy wee'd all the way home. During the last 5 years, Jeremiah has had to deal with my laughing. I don't do it on purpose but when he gets hurt I seem to laugh. So for the last piggy, he found a snickers bar because I am always snickering at him.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall is in the air and I love it!

Fall fun with the kids. I am so excited for the holidays. It is amazing how much fun the holidays are with kids. Morgan is full of excitement and Riley is getting really close to finding his balance. It won't be to long before he is walking. They are growing up so fast. I am having so much fun being their mother. They definitely keep my life interesting.
So today I was treated to an hour long massage and it was wonderful. I highly recommend it for those special hard working mothers. Last tuesday I pulled a muscle in my back and the pain drove me to give in and get a massage. Thanks to Jeremiah for treating me to this special gift of love. I truly needed a moment of relaxation and child free Zone. It was great.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

flickr tag

So I always see these cute tags and I always think that I am going to do one but never get around to doing it. So today I thought I would live in the moment.
Hometown: Logan Utah

Favorite Vacation: Havasupi, Paris

Favorite Color: Cranberry Red
If you want to do this fun tag, here are the rules.
1. Go to
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use your favorite image of the subject
4. Copy the html and paste for the answer