Friday, September 18, 2009

The Picnic, the fun, and the Perfect Sandwhich

Peanut butter and Cheese ................................................. Yummy. The new creation was created by Morgan a future chef.
She is very Very Happy about her Creation.

She Loved walking with her dad talking about the
new sandwich shop she wanted to open UP.
She even takes time out of her busy schedule to think of new creations.

The thinking paid of She has a bunch of new ideas
for sandwiches. She thinks to herself think of
all the possibilities!!!!!!!
Why is it so hard to understand DAD, the cheese goes
on top of the peanut butter.

I can see myself now at the top.

And of course my business partner is my cute little Brother!
Here is to a HAPPY family. A fun time at the lake and a wonderful picnic. Even if my
girl creates sandwhiches of her own. At least she is eating them, that is what counts, RIGHT.


  1. very cute pictures megs! Chef Morgan might want to re-think her PB and Cheese sandwhich though....sounds almost as gross to me as PB and pickles (moms favorite) YUCK!!!

  2. The picture with Morgans hands up in the air is cute, with your naration of what is going on.
