Sunday, February 24, 2008

Keeping busy


Well I am keeping busy with Morgan, but during my down time I have found some things that I have gotten into. I have really gotten in the twilight series by Stephanie Myers. I am surprised at how much I have enjoyed the books. I have never read 3 big books so fast. I would recommend these books if you are looking for something fun and intense to read. They are such a popular book right now. Everyone I talk to have read them or are reading them.

Jericho is on CBS, tuesday evenings. It is a great series. It is the only show that I will actually sit down and watch without doing anything. Jeremiah and I started watching the series on line one evening trying to find something to do. We didn't realize it at the time how much we would get into the show, but we are definitely Jericho fans. Season two just started. If your interested you can watch season one online. They show the full episode. There great, but be careful you might become a Jericho fan. It is nice watching a show the is clean, and intense.
Well there are a least two things that I have enjoyed. As far as everything else we are down to 10 days and counting. I am getting excited to have a boy, and Morgan is getting excited as well as Jeremiah when he has time to think.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentines was a success

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  • Valentines was a success! I surprised Jeremiah with a night on the town and a stay at the Hilton, since our lives will change in a couple of weeks. I decided to splurge with the extra encouragement from my brother chris telling me" you have to invest in your relationship". Well if you know me at all I am sometimes to practical, but chris recommended going on to is a site in which you can name your own price for a hotel. But there is no going back if they except your deal, and you don't know where you will be staying until after. You put in your critiera which in my case I wanted a 4 star hotel, and in the down town area. Well I was nervous and excited, just naming my price was a big adventure. Well the first price they didn't except, so I decided to try it again. The second price they excepted and we had a room at the Hilton for a great price. Well it gave me something to look forward to other than having this baby. We had fun, we went to a movie and then went to the hotel and had crackers and other snacks. We were going to go out to eat but we were so tired. My sister and my neice were gracious enough to watch Morgan for the night. I probably drove her crazy because I kept on calling to make sure everything was okay. She finally told me that she knew what she was doing. I wish I could say that I had the best nights sleep but having a 21/2 weeks left in your pregnacy you seem to wake up alot. Jeremiah was a good sport and let me turn tv on to keep distracted. By 6:00 am I was up and ready to go swimming. Jeremiah begged me for more time to sleep but being such a great husband he got up with me. It was fun to do something adventures. I have been anxious for an adventure other than pregnacy for a while.

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    Morgan is sometimes to honest. She put her hands on my belly and looked me straight in the eye and told me " Mommy your belly is toooo big", thanks morgan for pointing out the obvious. She likes to pretend that she is pregnant as she tries to stick out her belly like mama's. I am anxiously waiting for my belly to be smaller and back to my prepragnacy weight.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring Fever, Winter Blues

  • Yesterday was so nice the sun was out and was looking forward to spring. Today I had the winter blues as I was stuck inside all day. I don't mind the winter, but I don't think I would miss it to much. Here is my top 10 list of things I love about winter, I thought I would start out with the positive.

    Ten things about winter!

    1. The simple beauty of everything all white

    2. Knowing that the snow provides us water

    3. Watching Morgan play in the snow

    4. Staying in and drinking hot chocolate

    5. A White Christmas, except this year we missed the white christmas visiting Jeremiah's family

    6. Sledding on bunny hills with Morgan(first year, and very pregnant but loved it.) I also love snow shoeing which I discovered last winter. I decided to pass this winter.

    7.The Snow peaked mountains

    8. Wearing winter clothes that are so comfortable( The sad thing is I wasn't able to wear my favorite winter outfits because I was pregnant, and last winter I was still trying to lose this weight. This winter will be great!

    9. Watching Morgan try to catch a snow flake in her mouth

    10. Watching Morgan throw a snow ball at Jeremiah, pretty dang cute.

    10 Things I dislike about winter!

    1. Scrapping the snow off the car

    2. Driving during the winter when the roads are snowy and icy.

    3. The below freezing temperature.

    4. The constant fear of Jeremiah driving in the snow, hoping he will make it home

    5. The Constant fear of being in an accident with Morgan in the car

    6. Falling on the ice( luckily it hasn't happened yet)

    7. Crazy winter drivers

    8. Not having covered parking

    9. Not being able to go outside as much as I would like

    10. Trying to entertain a two year old all day with out being able to take her outside

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bringing the fun inside

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    Well being 36 weeks along, and not wanting to go out and play in the snow. I decided to bring the snow inside, and what better place than the bath tub. It was a huge success. The snow of course melted faster than I would of liked but it was fun building a snow man. Morgan loved it, and it was the warmest place to play with snow.