Sunday, April 27, 2008

First french braids

Picture 205

Picture 204

I have to give a special thanks to my 2 year old daughter for letting me practice on her hair. She was so patient with me as I tried to conquere the french braid. Don't look to closely, or you will notice I need a lot more practice. I am actually surprised that morgan sat and let me attempt the challenge, after several attempts I finally finished.. I love doing her hair. My sister is amazing with hair and she always had her daughters hair beautiful. So when I found out I was having a girl I didn't think that I had what it took to do her hair. But I have to admit I didn't give my self enough credit. Doing a little girls hair is trial and error. I love figuring out new ways to do her hair. Hopefully by the time I have another little girl, I will have conquered hair. I also give my sister tammy a thank you for being my inspiration. She is amazing, and has a natural talent with hair.

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