Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A smile that could melt a girls heart

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Well Riley smiled ear to ear yesterday, and melted his mom's heart. Who could resist that smile. He has been such a serious baby that it good to see his cute smile come out.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

First french braids

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I have to give a special thanks to my 2 year old daughter for letting me practice on her hair. She was so patient with me as I tried to conquere the french braid. Don't look to closely, or you will notice I need a lot more practice. I am actually surprised that morgan sat and let me attempt the challenge, after several attempts I finally finished.. I love doing her hair. My sister is amazing with hair and she always had her daughters hair beautiful. So when I found out I was having a girl I didn't think that I had what it took to do her hair. But I have to admit I didn't give my self enough credit. Doing a little girls hair is trial and error. I love figuring out new ways to do her hair. Hopefully by the time I have another little girl, I will have conquered hair. I also give my sister tammy a thank you for being my inspiration. She is amazing, and has a natural talent with hair.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

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So Jeremiah gave me Dance Dance Revolution to me for my birthday. Well of course I wasn't in the mood to jump up and down being 8 months pregnant. Well monday I had my 6 week follow up appointment, and the doctor gave me the okay to exercise. I have been looking forward to this appointment for so long. Just the idea of starting the journey of losing the pregnancy weight makes me excited. Not the work, but how good it will feel to be back into my skinny jeans. So after my appointment I decided to try out the game. Can I just say that it is hard. If you want a good workout try this game. I love it. Morgan loves it too, we take turns and she is always asking me is it my turn. I was so tired last night, but I kept on playing the game until after 11:00pm trying to beat my score. So if anyone want to try it out let me know.

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Morgan decided to multitask. She decided to use my mascara as lipstick and draw on the bathroom door. She is being creative and expanding her creativity and has been drawing on the walls, windows, doors, her clothes. It has been a week so hopefully she has learned her lesson. She is so funny, she draws on something and then trys really hard to clean it up. She loves to help me clean, so cleaning to her is not a punishment.


Wednesday, 23 April 2008

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    I happy to report that being a mom of two is alot easier than I thought it would be. Riley is such an easy baby. Things I love about Riley.

    1. I love holding him and cuddling him

    2. I love when he falls asleep on my chest.

    3. I love his random smiles

    4. I love taking pictures of both my kids

    5. I love his big blue eyes

    All in All I love being a mother!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Baby Animal Days

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    We had a great weekend. We went to Baby Animal Days, it was great. Morgan had so much fun. She loved ridding a horse and seeing all the baby animals. Jeremiah volunteered to take the pictures while I helped Morgan. I really had to go outside my comfort zone and hold some of these animials. I didn't want Morgan to see my fear, so I put on a brave face and held a baby duck, and a rabbit. I know it seems crazy that I am such a chicken when it comes to holding animals or anything that moves but I am. The only thing that I was able to hold was a puppy. So it was a huge accomplishment, and to tell you the truth I enjoyed overcoming a fear. The Bunny was easier to hold than the baby duck. Jeremiah volunteered me on purpose becuase he wanted me to be brave. It is amazing what you do when your a mom, and how brave you become.

Monday, April 7, 2008

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    Time has flown. Riley is now a month old. He is such a joy to be around. He is such an easy baby.

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    Riley doesn't know about all these kisses Morgan gives him. Morgan is a little mommy. Yesterday she decided to take a chance and pick him up while "Mommy" wasn't looking. It took me a second to realize she was holding Riley with a huge grin on her face.

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    Morgan wanted to share her kisses to all that read this blog. She is sending her love.

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    Sunday activity included making cookies with Mommy and Daddy. I had lots of fun making a mess, eating the the healthy cookie dough, becuase mommy is always on a diet. When I say healthy she added plain low fat yogert instead of oil. She would of gone healthier but daddy put his foot down and said we were using a whole egg instead of egg whites. Mommy also admitted to Daddy that she has never made her favorite cookie because she is always on a diet, and didn't want to be tempted. Daddy told mommy that was kind of sad.

    Well I hoped you like the first person report from Morgan. Jeremiah thinks that it is sad that I have never made my favorite cookies before. But it is true, I feel like I am always trying to watch my weight. My goal is to make the cookies after I reach my first weight loss goal. It is not easy losing pregnancy weight, and I know that I won't have too much self control if I make those cookies.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Balloon Analagy

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    This Balloon is amazing. It is the most amazing balloon I have every seen. My wonderful brother gave me a Boutique of ballons when I had Riley. That was 4 weeks ago, and this amazing ballon is still going strong. The other ballons died within a couple of days. So here is my analagy "There will be days when you wonder how you are staying a float but with some unknown force you are able to stay a float". I know it is cheesy, but I have never seen a balloon last this long.